Friday, October 8, 2010

Writing The Drivers Examination

So today was the day we wrote our drivers licence test......Congratulations you FAILED! We'll no shit Sherlock if you could have been there to read those questions! First of all the translation from Chinese to English was......just plain terrible,as most of the translations I assume all over the world.

Just to give you some in site on the whole "driving" thing. You have to do a medical before they will make an appt to write the test. In the medical they check your hands..... to make sure you have all 10 fingers! The other part was standing with your hands on your hips and thrust round and front of oh about 200 people! We couldn't stop laughing we were like, what the heck???? The pushing and shoving in the lines at the DMV are crazy.....imagine all these people what to get behind the wheel and they drive the very same!
It's funny as you write the exam your mind goes to how they really drive,and you kinda wonder why they make you even write....there are no police enforcing the rules of the road!

Deane's score was closer than mine so he was able to take the test again and FAILED AGAIN! The lady told our Chinese translator as we were standing in line that we would never pass! Well how optimistic, so she let our translator download all of the answers for the test.....Great if you memorize all the answers, there are only 400!

So on the drive home we started talking about weather or not we really needed to get it. At first we felt so handicapped without a car,but the over the last few months we have learned where near our apt is the best place to get a taxi.  I mean people in New York do this all the time right? It would in fact be cheaper than a car as well.

We recently found a small chain supermarket, it is almost like a mini walmart, a little bit of everything. It is about a 7 min walk from our apt we may have found it sooner but we only went out side when we needed to as the weather was sooooo HOT! So we are scheduled to rewrite the exam next week. I say lets buy a scooter! lol

1 comment:

  1. So can I query Deane as to wether he is still allowed to drive in Canada? Lol
