Friday, October 15, 2010

Count to 10 with Chinese hand signs

As some of you may know I am taking Mandarin lessons. This to me is not an easy language to learn. Their words have different tones, so the same word may have more than one meaning. Ex; the word for  Robbery and Rape are the same word.....but the tone in how you say it distinguishes which word you've said.

Deane had a computer Mandarin program installed on my computer. It proved to be great fun one night for my brother, sister-in-law and I , a few drinks and trying to say sentences in Chinese.....sometimes the program would tell you that it was said correctly,when clearly you did not say anything close to what they said. I believe my brother was speaking french at one point! lol. However it was picking up the tone and as long as you mimicked the tone it would say you were correct.
This has turned into a long story about nothing! I wanted to share something that I just learned about how the Chinese count to 10 with their fingers it is very different then how we do it.
Here is a short little video to show you how it's done.

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