Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Snake Wine

I would like to start by saying that this makes the Mexicans look like a bunch of pussy's! I would say it takes a real man.....or a real idiot to drink an alcoholic beverage with a venomous snake in it.
Speaking of Tequila and its little submerged worms, there is the Chinese drink that most fascinates and revolts most foreigners: snake wine. It is generally a rice wine bottled with one or more submerged snakes. Most Chinese, especially younger ones, do not drink it, but you find it in many restaurants and can buy it around the country and region. In China there are three snake wines, five snake wines and others. (They also have wines made of intimate body parts that shall go un-identified. In Chinese restaurants you often find snake wine in huge, broad-necked bottles or jars, the snake or snakes, often quite large, flopped at the bottom but sometimes filling a major portion of the jar. The restaurateur usually ladles out as much as you want. Or you can buy it in smaller bottles to take home with you.

It is not clear to me if the snake is drunk, dead, or dead drunk. I gather that the snake gives a special taste to the wine. The Chinese undoubtedly cook and eat snakes. I imagine that drunk snake tastes good. I guess I will never know....cause I'm not an idiot! lol