Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Out & About Eh!

 So it's been awhile since I have written.......sorry, but life gets in the way sometimes lol. We were home for 3 weeks vacation, and had a hard time adjusting when we returned......in a bit of a funk. I was talking to my Grandma and she said my Dad used to say the same thing when they would go back to Africa after being home on vacation.I have sooooo many pictures stored up for blogs, maybe when the weather gets a little colder I will catch up on some stories. But here are some pictures of some stuff I took when I was out & about one day.

What happen to Arm & HAMMER????

Glad I'm not drowning in the pool right now.....wonder if he'd wake up?

No I have not eaten these.......I'm afraid!

Getting the car washed & vac for the low low price of $1.60


Hmmmm.......no thanks

 I did try these...... they defiantly taste like lobster. Deane loves them.

Busted......This is so typical chinese, just hanging out in the store.

Ummm these are not the same Simpsons we know! 
These guys work while no safety equipment.......they are not tied to anything.....YIKES

Fruity tasting potato chips......not really my thing. Isaac says there gross.

Numb & Spicy!

Hey is that the Cape Breton Tartan???? LOL

Ahhh yes the Blacket????? why not use google translate for pete sake.l

35 degrees and she is modelling winter jackets .....WHY????