Sunday, November 7, 2010


I have moments where I can't imagine being anywhere else in the world! And moments when I walk out the door I want to drop kick every China men I see! Now I don't mean to be rude and disrespectful to the Chinese, but compared to the way we live in the western world, I struggle alot with the way they do things here!

I have the biggest issue with the pushing,shoving and butting in front of me!  I mean come on really? These people are educated.... they are not a  third world country. So how does it work? .....Chinese people are never raised with any kind of manners?...... I will tell you it sure doesn't seem like it! Here is a great example, in the supermarket yesterday and the girl handing out FOOD SAMPLES does a  "farmers hanky" on the floor!!!  WTF????  The woman's washrooms are disgusting. No one flushes toilet paper... they wipe and put it in the  OPEN waste paper basket. The smell can be a little overwhelming sometimes, I swear I walk into every stall that has a dirty maxi pad face up right there staring at me! I am not easily grossed out by alot, but I have been here!

Sorry about the graphicness ..... ok no I'm not really. I am trying to paint you the true picture.....or I could just take a picture! lol   The spitting is a little overwhelming also! Always dodging great big hoarks on the side walk, oh  and the sound of getting ready to hawk that spitball.....the kind you mother would have cuffed you upside the back of the head  for.Again these people for the most part are educated, I don't get it. I find over all the Chinese are not friendly.... compared to other cultures. Shopping.......... when you enter the store a salesperson or 3 will follow you around the store...on your heels I might add, and as soon as you touch something and put it down they fix it like you didn't put it back it the right spot.There are usually a ton of people working in the store......back home we complain and say.... does anyone work here??? lol

There is something  kinda neat about being in a foreign country where nobody knows you and you are free to explore. We have been to some cool places and consider ourselves lucky that we get to see things alot of other people may never get the chance to see!

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