Thursday, November 18, 2010

Health & Chinese Medicine

Coming to China has changed me a little. It has allowed me to focus on me! Losing my Dad to cancer has made me wake up and pay attention to my own health. I have the knowledge, it's just applying it.

This is kind of a mission.... I am the guinea pig!  Upon arriving in China I was not healthy at all! I had just lost my Dad and the stress I had been under was breaking me. I had taken up smoking the 4 months prior to his death and was just eating crap that made me feel good. On top of everything I didn't exercise and drank very little water. I mean like maybe 1/2 a cup a day..... I am never thirsty. I had serious menstruation issues, major cramping all the time, back ache. I was afraid there was something wrong with the water , my hair was as dry as a corn broom and my skin was very oily and gritty. What the heck was happening to me I was starting to fear that I may die myself! Maybe I have cancer too???
So I got to reading and discovered that you are really damaging your internal organs when you don't drink enough water so that was my first step. I started drinking 8 cups of water a day, plus herbal tea. And within 2 weeks I noticed how much better my skin looked. The cramping and backache....gone! My diet has changed and not by choice, but it is amazing how creative you get when you have no oven and not alot of processed foods to choose from....well ok you do, but the American imported pizza and processed crap is soooo expensive here. I won't buy it cause I know it's not worth the money. Now the Chinese cook with alot of sugar and MSG which we know is not healthy, but I would say it is a better choice having MSG on fresh food...then eating prepackaged shit. Eating with chop sticks and sharing dishes really changes how much you eat. When it's on the plate in front of you, you feel obligated to eat it.....(cause that's how we were raised) but sharing multiple dishes removes that mind set, and nothing is put on your plate really, you just pick out of each bowl. Even if you served it up on your plate it's like eating off dishes made for munchkins. The chopsticks, well they prevent you from shoveling the food in  your mouth at break neck speed!
Next step.... get my ass to the gym! Sweating removes the toxins from your body which trust me I was toxic, and alot of us are. Then I went on my first mountain hike and there is where I met the woman who would introduce me to the most wonderful Chinese Medicine Doctor.

We have all been to see him.....but I will tell you my story, cause well I am the one typing! And frankly guys don't really give a crap about this stuff.( Ok don't email me and say I'm a guy and I care....your either an exception or a fruit! blog I'll say what I want! lol) As it would turn out he has explained to me (Dr) that almost all women in there late 30's into early 40's suffer from.....insomnia,extreme mood swings(that's me!!!.... and No it's not bipolar like our husbands think, although they are probably the reason for the mood swings....them and the kids!)  always tired, mental fogginess,hard time losing weight. I could go on and on but you get the point. I have read alot over the past couple of years about holistic health, and I believe a great deal in it. Dr Livingston has summed it up...if your body is functioning properly than you should have no troubles. In Western medicine if you go to the Dr and have high blood pressure he puts you on pills. Western medicine is a band-aid to fix the aliment or pain right away.....Chinese medicine fixes what part of your body is not functioning properly.....the reason for your "high blood pressure". Granted sometimes you need western medicine, but on the whole you are masking the problem and not fixing it, makes sense to me.

This is the herbs that have already been boiled by the pharmacy.
We each drink 2 of these a day, they are about 1 cup each.
And yes it tastes like dirt!
There is no claim that Chinese herbs will fix you over night.... but over time they heal your body and help it to function the way it should. That's why Chinese medicine Doctors live till their 120 yrs old! So I have been drinking the herbs for 3 weeks now(the taste is bitter and NASTY) but I notice an improvement in energy, he is working on my insomnia  and night sweats at the moment. Our body's all run a little different and according to him I run on the cold side.....I thought I was pretty hot! he he. So my blood runs a little slow which causes blood stagnation, metabolism is slow as well. I should stay warm and eat warming foods to keep my blood circulating well. He also told me I would benefit greatly from drinking alcohol....which is funny cause I don't drink much. And he told Deane to stay away from alcohol.....How do you tell a Maritimer he can't drink.....that's like telling a fish he can't live in the water! lol. Anyway as my quest for health continues I hope you can find yours, I am suprised at how much better I feel about everything in my life......just through taking care of MYSELF!

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