Thursday, June 9, 2011

Bring on the fire!

Okay, so Deane has finally lost his cupping virginity.  So after our foot massage we had some cupping. He was a little nervous at first, as they started to apply the cups I asked him if it hurt and he said "not at all!" I figured he was lying, cause it's no massage. Nope turns out the man I married is a Masochist! ........FREAK! He said next time he is going to tell them he wants it harder.....ummmm judging by the color of the marks I dare say he doesn't need it any harder!
I know what's coming! PAIN

I think he was a little scared! lol

Those ones on the shoulders are a wee bit sore for the next few days!

The Freak and his war wounds.... he's so proud! lol

We do this because it's good for removing toxins...... and by the looks of my husband, he's a little toxic!

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