Saturday, April 7, 2012

I Need A Break!

This post is rated R so be prepared for some potty mouth! I have reached my boiling point and the lid has popped off! I am submerged in stupidity on a daily bases and I can't take no more! I have resorted to pacifying myself with spoonfuls of Betty Crocker chocolate icing, that or I will end up in a Chinese prison   when I take to beating the shit out of random Chinese people.

Today while at the supermarket I was pushed almost off my feet by a lady working there. I assumed she was being chased by a group of gangsta's, in fact she was just going to unpack a box of watermelons......WTF?  Followed by the guy who hocked a luggie on the floor......ya you heard me IN THE SUPERMARKET!

All I really wanted was to buy some f***ing feta cheese, that they carry one day and then not the next. I was also in the market for some lettuce to make a salad but since Chinese people don't eat salad, that can be a treat to find. Oh I found some......slimy brown wilted shit! I just want to go to the store and buy what I know and what I eat ........ I don't want cow testicles and cat assholes.......just a little cheese!

Then I ask the lady where the miso is........she says " Ting bu dong" .......f**k you and you don't understand. Let me clarify she wasn't nicely telling me she didn't understand it was rude and no eye contact.......bitch is lucky I didn't ting bu dong her right over the head with my basket!


1 comment:

  1. oh Amy these blogs make my day> we must come to visit to see you in action.
