Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Day in The Life

It was a Chinese holiday "Tomb Sweeping Day" This is a day the Chinese honour their ancestors , by cleaning the dirt and weeds from their tomb and lay out offerings. They believe they should keep their deceased ancestors happy, since they will watch over them and bring them good fortune. Anyway to make a long story short, we went for a hike in the mountains and down through the tea village

Incense burning at Chinese Temple

Now that is some serious incense!

Candles burning outside the temple....note the fire extinguishers!

Always one class clown!

View from the top

My Chinese pose! They all make the peace sign! :)

Isaac and Mom

John, a fellow Canadian working with Deane. And Deane

Tea pickers.....taking a ......I can't say coffee break. In China, they call the coffee table, the tea table .

Tea Village house/restaurant 

I have no idea what this says, but it looks cool.


I am not sure this dog needed a coat on?

People having lunch on the terrace 

Do I need to say anything?????
I think this should say Gaution, shitty floor......ha ha my spell check is picking up Gaution

A couple having their wedding photo's taken

Family together for the holiday

Finished the day with a foot massage and dinner at a Caribbean restaurant. It was a weird experience, the place was full of Chinese, and the waitresses were wearing cowboy hats. And the music playing was, Shakira and the Macarena. The whole experience felt like a bad acid trip, not that I've dropped acid, but I did watch Alice in Wonderland so I have a pretty good idea! lol

They bring around plates of different kinds of meat. I ate my first piece of cow tongue. It was ok....over all I will stick to the Chinese food, they know how to cook this best. Not to mention this place was buffet style, not what I want here. There are far to many people and kids and open plates of food!


  1. Amy, you look amazing! And I can't get over how tall Isaac is! What an adventure!

  2. i agree!! you look great! mindy

  3. My Mom is just Short!!! LOL
