Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Ok I need to mark the monumental moment in my life! Upon my return form Christmas break, two of the best stores for a Westerner to Shop in opened in my neighbourhood!
The first one is CENTURY MART and the second is WU MART. Both are very similar to Walmart, including a fantastic grocery section with tons of nice looking fruits and vegetables!

Wu Mart

Isaac riding the escalator at Wu Mart. There are grooves in the wheels of the shopping carts so it doesn't roll away on you!

AHHH the beloved chicken feet if you can't get them fresh you can get them packaged!
I have been in these stores before but they were at least a 40 minute drive from where I live, so going often never happened. Now Wu Mart is 2.6 k and Century Mart about 1.5 k........oh what a dream come true! lol


  1. Must make you feel right at home, except for the "chicken feet"! Have you eaten them yet? How are they cooked?

  2. Ummm No I haven't, but Deane has. He says they taste exactly how you would imagine them to taste.....like skin and bones and tendons. UGH! No thanks I'm good!
