Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Every Women's Dream???

This possibly could be every lonely women's dream......chocolate and batteries....one stop shopping for an evening of fun. They even sell bottles of wine in the same store. See, who the hell needs a man? Ok lets get serious for a second. REALLY???? what health and safety committee or food industry people, or whoever  deals with stuff like this, believes putting a battery in with food was a good idea??? HELLO? Don't get me wrong I love freebies, but I think I'll skip this one! lol


  1. Hi, sorry i found this post, and I already got the wine from buy-snake-wine.com but i am now looking for wine or liquor with tarantula or other creatures, do you know where to find ? Thanks a lot.

  2. Hi, Sorry I don't know. I have never seen anything like that.....but if I do I will post it!
